SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

I’m not reaction testing tho

I’m legit just

Taking to you about your read on me

I’m going to bed read my iso if you want to read me

Why not have At as the king?

Guild also wants to find Bur?

Because I’m 100% on me being bd king

Because BD better.
And if AT flips Guild, I’m looking at you for this post.

Guild wouldn’t be that transparent with information

I think Marl is right to be honest.

Seeing windward catch up and liking my posts makes me feel proud

Like windward is pinning my posts to the fridge


Ypou’ll have to look at Marl first because he’s the one that’s 100% certain At is village. I’m only going off of that.

no, I prefer to keep my role. Let Marl be king.


Okay. Either him or Arctic. Still going to vote for Arctic because I promised him I would though.

Bitch stop ignoring me.
YBW and Shurian read please.

Don’t vote for arctic
He will scumsided the instant it benefits him

Sorry I’m the bitch that’s stupid

vote me for king because i have 100% read accuracy
marl will just deathtunnel all the townies smh


Marl being king = fact

Also, I honestly feel like we killed intensify for the wrong reasoning but whatever he’s dead and flipped scum

My wim is nonexistent atm so sorry if I’m dead

Im gonna go iso somebody


Shurian is in your PoE yes @ATNoName
Also make sure to target YBW tonight Fam.

He scumslipped and I pointed it out lol