SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

This is another reason why we always lynch Shurian here.

I may or may not have put the specific people I think is BD/Beu which by probability happens to be you two.

^this lol
and idk about anyone else, but if I were BD I wouldn’t openly CC the fakeclaim? I think there are smarter ways of going about it

Nice! Thank Yeah!

I thought you hard SR’d me up till now bruh

I’m far more certain on Shurian being scum and it’s far more important that you can trust me.

You think I’m beu? Wouldn’t I be pushing on bd!wind rn if that was the case

This is another reason why we always lynch Cheeki here.
Then Shurian tomorrow

I can just make sure shurian stays put :smirk_cat:


I SR’ed you until up to the point when last night Marlu mentioned about his BD partner and You and Leafia were the only 2 that came to mind that hard defended them but it isn’t Leafia so by PoE.

if only you know what I had in store

Marl has a safeguard it seems

And Min being Beu also makes sense

but why does it make sense tho

Can you?
What’s your claim again?

scum can tailor themselves to be checked as town

and the mmclone is always checked as town

How you’ve been acting.

during the day?

Towards Marlu and Wind in the beginning.