SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!


I think town acts the way he does for the reason I said, they just aren’t interested in the game.
In a game I played recently, Eli kinda played like how shurian played (or so im told) because he just didnt care about the game at all. I think that the only way shurian is villager is if they simply dont care enough to act town

I doubt it. I just can’t see Shurian being town here.

giving up as town here kind of throws the game to the wolves, though, so I think it’s a bad move

Agreed and even if that’s the case, we can afford mislynching a villager like that right now, so Shurian is still the best yeet here.

no bad moves ever occur on forum of lies dot com

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I mean its not optimal, but thats actually a really fair point

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that’s true, considering there were no night kills

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town always plays optimally

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(This statement was sponsored by Wolf Corp)

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Agreed. It is a really fair point. Either way it helps us. If he’s a wolf, great, we yeeted a wolf and scum are that much more panicked and easier to find while Chop and I look much better while if he’s a villager, we’ve reduced the PoE by one and taken away a misyeet target later down the line from the wolves.

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Anyone who tries to steer us away from a Shurian lynch is openwolfing in my eyes. Wolves, just try saving your wolf buddy today. I dare you!

pls don’t kill shurian :crying_cat_face:

Shurian gets yeeted today. Bottom line. Nothing can save him now.

as much as I think Shurian is scum, I think the remaining 25 hours would be best put to use figuring out the rest of the scumteam instead of just tunnelling Shurian for the remainder of the day.


You’re right Wind. Heading out for now though for RL things. Talk to you all later. Interestingly enough, I’ve noticed that I’m the top poster this game. :slight_smile: I’M ON TOP OF THE WORLD BABY!!!


but tunneling shurian for the entire day is funny

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nobody’s even adding anything to the discussion lol
like there’s a severe lack of memes when tunnelling Shurian so it’s objectively less funny than it could be

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Im gonna run out of likes :pensive:

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is anybody else concerned by how light has just disappeared from the face of the earth