SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

but like

that leads the question to shurian

because that means shurian could be town, or shurian is being hardbussed which is a …lol


interesting maneuver

this is what i was saying the whole game, but the BC also leaves the game once the two BD die so I think the wincon is a little unclear.

min can’t get a pity win here because thieves will never kill the BD ensuring min is forced to side with them :joy_cat:

tough luck for min, I knew we’d make it close to impossible for the BC to win by outing as BD before the BC outed us

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we should do boom boom rapid quickfire hammers until i win

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starting with shurian

Hey arctic…

what if we…did some math…


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just kill me already

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I mean

can bc just walk away from the game in tears

wish that was an ability


you cant be voted off because of marl already


also im guessing you werent able to see me being converted then?

thats kinda stupid

oh yeah that makes it even more difficult for BC to win lol

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No I wasn’t lul

btw I think after the very noticeable bleed on Marl D1, the drug dealer went for poisoning people, so I guess we’ll see villagers randomly dropping dead starting on N4.


heal people randomly until we heal poison, got it

I think most likely poison’s are Wind, Marl, and me