SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!


no i vetod min
he cannot be voted today

i see your gambit, not foolin’ me

Not fooling me either. I bet Derps is the one who bled you D1 too Marl. We all thought he wasn’t being serious when he admitted to it too.

I’m not openwolfing atm tho

if derps is actually drug dealer then that’s hilarious


begging not to be checked, claiming to have bled me yesterday
sure feels like it’s you aiming to be twbaw

If you aren’t openwolfing, I don’t know what you’re doing right now.

Ah yes

Because Iv never memed before

drug dealer pretending to be a civil admin is top-notch comedy

Agreed. @Marluxion Should we go for a Shurian yeet or a Derps yeet today? I’d be fine with either one considering how Derps has been acting today, even if I still prefer Shurian. I want to hear your thoughts on it though.

Lemme go read what drug dealer is


thank you leafia for spewing derps as not your teammate

Salutes Aye aye sir!

i’m sleeping dont hammer i want to read shurian’s posts when i wake up

If he’s a wolf, he isn’t my teammate. You saying he’s a wolf here?

I’m honestly virtually convinced that Shurian and Derps are w/w here.

/unvote @Twil1ight

just to make sure there’s no hammering


Good idea.