SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

I’ll Iso Light now too. Someone else can do Gorta.

light could easily just be a wolf here
ive warmed up to gorta though

scum can target YBW at their own risk :sunglasses: i’m gonna guard him lol
nobody else touch him btw or you get frozen for 2 nights fyi
so don’t be dumb if you’re a villager

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tree hugger


don’t bother because i’m trading with him aren’t i?

oh shit you’re right lol

do some1 else

I can only guard BD lol
guess I’ll guard Marl instead

he’s actually BD? what

Guard me

i guess ill just guard in a hole then /shrug

you’re not BD so I can’t guard you lol

guard me if you want to be gamer

wolves somehow submitting the action to kill you would be funnier

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afaik I’m still DI so don’t bother guarding me, btw, it’s a waste of a guard

i’ve been outplayed

inb4 you get killed somehow


lmao do people still think im joking?

watch me as I die to a simultaneous factional kill and poison

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did i mention the time when
we made cantaloupe submit the factional kill on cantaloupe
and they were saved by a town bodydouble

there was bus-driving shenanigans going on but it was still peak comedy