SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

you kind of did as scorned lol

Cheeki is a wolf you dummies


as Scorned it was different

I wanted King that game.

Something about this entrance is off. I don’t like it. /voteYoubutworse @Twil1ight

Genuinely feeling this based on my reaction.

Considering my plan literally gets us a confirmed Town King.

Also you guys realise that BD doesn’t lose upon two Town mislynched, right?

But what if you die? Lmao

You see, the key here is you.

Wasted convert + no confirmed town king

If I die, we just execute the plan on someone else.

BD won’t convert wazza because she is a nerd

I can’t be converted until D2 where the King Election will be.

Remember, day convert is a meme.

Not just day convert
Day convert + co

i don’t think you can get converted and made king on D2
isn’t king election first


Day 1 - Lynch Intensify
Night 1 - We do whatever.
Day 2 - BD Convert Me, I get King.

it’s…day convert? what the fuck

Doesn’t mention anywhere that abilities are disabled during King Election

did you guys genuinely not read the BD classcards?

they were like the most interesting thing