SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

/vote Shurian @Twil1ight

@EliThePsycho @an_gorta_pratai i want both of you on the shurian wagon as well

With that, I’m off to bed. I should be here for EoD.

Who am.I kidding? I can’t sleep. Anyone still here?


Ah good. Up for a game of tennis while we wait for others to arrive? I’d really love to know Chop’s PoE to be honest.

All in all, I think we have the game solved now.

i’m mostly just ready to flip shurian and see where he stands

I’m here too, running errands though so I’m semi-afk

VC :two: :three:

Accused Voters Count
Leafia EliThePsycho, ATNoName, an_gorta_pratai, min 4/8
Shurian ChopChop, SirDerpsAlot, Leafia, WindwardAway, Marluxion :older_man: 6/8

Ah okay.

Leafia are you okay with being voted out tomorrow if we cannot clear you

I’m ready to do so too. I’d even be fine with hammering him considering how little time is left in the day. @min Switch your vote to Shurian please.

After all, I don’t think much more will come of today.


And with Night protecting you, you can’t be killed tonight luckily. Should I protect Wind?

Just tryin’ to squeeze out one last poison huh :eyes:

I’m not scum which you’ll see tomorrow.

no reason to protect windward

Besides, I doubt the game will last another three days.

I’m DI, don’t bother lol