SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Ok so walk me through the lock again? I’m not gonna pretend i should be included in it, light was very much whatever and i’ve done nothing besides be incredibly handsome

Marl/Wind BD masons, Shurian outted, etc. etc.

Shurian is lock schemer, yes?

from YBW’s check


honestly kinda disappointed that shurian outed they couldve used my greencheck to schmoove and instead gave up

Mhm and If Shurian flips non-schemer YBW is the last scum 100%


tbf Leafia sealed his fate
and he also slipped

yeah cuz he couldny get green

pointed out shurian was wolfy d1
d2 he got RT’ed then claimed handyman and said he healed marl even though it doesn’t heal bleeds
since then he’s been frozen and has hardly said anything
leafia was blatantly trying to buss him yesterday
atno is cleared since shurian is confirmed schemer (schemer can’t do the factional) at this point and atno was jailkept with a kill
wind/marl BD
me/min neuts

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Can he be mugger?

or had this used on him?

after that then, SDAP, Gorta, or Eli seem to be one of the last scum yeah?

I’m believing marshal’s claim since he actually knew how it worked

actually maybe
but aside from that he’s been the most obvious villager this entire game

ill sheep it

what did atno claim again

did any of these three people claim?

If not i want them to today


derps and gorta civil administrator
eli criminal slave

@EliThePsycho you wanna openwolf too and make it easy? :eyes:

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@Marshal gorta is socially completely clear
not for the wrong reasons this time

the last scum is in
Eli / Seth / Marshal / YBW

100% guaranteed

ATNoName was occ’d by me last night