SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

you’re missing the point, even though you are less scummy (although that is quickly changing now tbh) than wazza, the plan still relies on basically taking your word, and going balls to the wall.

Eli, Shurian, Gorta and Pug have yet to post here.
…we might be waiting for a while on some of them.

this is a horrible tunnel-visiony mindset/plan to try and lock us into with a quickhammer

to be honest with you i don’t care much for what would happen after if we killed intensify, i was pushing him because i thought he was scum (and now i’m unsure but will read over some other games)

We still haven’t even confirmed whether day abilities are usable during King elections or not

Hmmm, true and okay. Marl feels just like he did in Shortbread 2 I think was the name, where he tunneled Chloe all of D1 and bragged about how he deserved MVP of the town.

As for Arctic, I like his entrance and it feels too ballsy to come from a wolf. I don’t feel as confident about him being a villager as I feel about Marl being one though.

Intensify feels like he’s trying to figure out who the scum are and trying to motivate town to do the same thing.

Min gives off the same feel that Chloe had last game when she was tunneled by Marl and it feels like scum might be trying to get an early mislynch on her possibly by how fast the votes piled up on her.

As for Light, my gut says he’s scum, but I’m conflicted about his alignment. So it’s a tiny scumlean at the moment. He just has this feel to him right now. I can’t really explain it.

Shortnight 2
but yes, that’s what I said earlier, so GTH tunnelly town!Marl

Read Deus Ex 4 or whatever that one was called. I think that’s like the latest towngame of me so far

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Agreed. Marl would be a terrible king.

Yes the neutrals

i’m still weirded out by gorta popping in 3 hours ago to say ‘grug’ twice and then leaving

I’m gonna be king
It’s mechanically ideal

why would I want to out myself this quickly?

Scum would get nowhere near majority anyway, at most they would have 5 votes because there would be no Chief that can be scum.

what’s the point in this comment?

Merchant needs to claim TODAY.

Seth is Merchant

If merchant does not get claimed today and then gets converted by BD, they will die tomorrow

He says he isn’t
Also go away you’re evil

While I can see that possibly being the case, I find it pretty unlikely and this vote is just opportunistic. /vote Cheeki @Twil1ight

His posts make it so obvious…

it isn’t just the votes at that point, it’s the amount of damage you would have managed to cause in one day and one night.

Intensify summed it up well