SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

bureaucrat, not merchant

Oh yeah. Then as long as no townies are killed by BD, ewven with a mislynch and a villager kill ton9ight, we’l,l just be in Lylo tomorrow, but I do see your point about the signaling. It’s a good one. /vote Intensify @Twil1ight

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the bureaucrat doesn’t need to see the BD die, just lose. BD lose if scum wins so no reason not to hard side with them

Game start:
Either a 11v4v1v1

One of the neutrals knows at least some good players
Evil king knows their allies

Mislynch + nightkill puts it at, in a worst-case scenario, 8v5v1v1, with scum having six voting power. Another day and it becomes a 6v5v1v1, with a majority of 7 and scum having six voting power as well as a scumsiding neut.

There’ll be 8 villagers alive tomorrow if we mislynch today with an EK.

If we remove Intensify
They lose a vote
because they only gain 1 vote instead of the 2 if intensify is evil king
which means there is absolutely no reason not to lynch intensify


Hard sucks for intensify but if he’s a villager a medium can bring him back so he can play :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: @Intensify

If Intensify flips good king and a medium doesn’t res him, you have no heart

I’m starting to think you could be right on Intensify being the best lynch for today. What if Intensify is GK and a thief gets crowned Chief though?

they gain a vote but they still dont have parity
it’d be 6 total votes for mafia even with bureaucrat
merchant wouldn’t openly side scum because it’d mean they lose

Town would also lose two votes as well though.

also even if intensify is a good king it just enables the BD to shoot tonight

correct but this play must be done to avoid losing immediately

Hmmm, who do you think should be the new chief? Other than you I mean. I don’t think anyone would be willing to elect you honestly.

Whoever the blue dragon converts
we mass claim tomorrow

If i can nail a scum tonight they can convert me
if i dont they can convert whoever they think is towniest

We won’t know who the Blue Dragon converts.

bottom text

so yes we will

scum have very few viable fake claims so we can completely box in the scum