SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

min isn’t the merchant

are you the merchant?

what reaction could you hope to get from this

Anyway I’ll announce my leave this time. I likely won’t check this site for a while if you have any questions ping me but otherwise I’m leaving for the evening.

Equivalent of a vanilla townie in a role madness game out


People actually trusting my merchant claim waaay too easily, actually

@Intensify thunderdome min

Totally not rescinding so I can send wind exploding box kek

Why does intensify need to thunderdome me

oh hmm
well, it spews people as not merchants and it spews min as not BD :joy_cat:

Good thing i am not bd :smirk_cat: just village


And not exploding box merchant :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

Why am I out of likes



the struggle is real

I just realized the merchant can essentially cop people by selling to them two nights in a row (if the game ever lasts that long)

VC of :seven: sins

Accused Voters Count
Intensify Marluxion, Wazza, ArticXI, Leafia, Pug 5/9
Wazza Cheeki 1/9

Ever wonder why the merchant cant use themselves the items they own

cause they want money lol

Just get scum: get them to buy exploding box for 5 coins, then 3 coins for poison and 4 coins for smoke grenade

Marl pinged me for bleeding
How dare he I have eyes
Not healing ecks dee