SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

wtf ur pfp did u draw that urself

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It’s so good

i was gonna ask the same thing!

yeah cause i never got to actually use it in YTTD lmao
I drew it a bit too late

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still based

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read: like 3 days ago

Incredibly based

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I was looking for fun stuff to draw so I thought, why not draw my character :smile:
admittedly I was procrastinating studying lmao

I’ll take suggestions/requests maybe at some point

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I’ll be up in about an hour

I think I also just understand the society meme

Is it because of that one documentary from netflix?

Wish I had Cop or something.
My role is kinda weak.

Way too slow

what’s too slow, the game or your role?

I think I’ll pass.

Kinda want yeah to bled out.
If your scum, Light Town.


I don’t think Marl’s scum, though…?

personal opinion

I’m not sure what you’re so shocked about.

You kinda explained why the risk of me being EK was too high to ignore and I just accept it.

Not sure why you’re shocked I’m not salty when I clearly understand why it needs to be done and am fine with it.

Also why the hell has Marl pinged me 3 times