SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Or me, I’d like a buff

Me because then I get King and keep my ability.

Trust me, I don’t care about the buff, but my BD and Villager class are both really good.

nobody’s going to vote the BC out except for BD and then they just out themselves tbh

But why would I claim BC?

If I blocked the BD’s convert as a BC, then BD out me, sure BD are outed but everyone will lynch me. No one’s going to know I’m BC, they’ll just assume I’m a thief and possibly a thief trying to save my own life.

Or better yet, they’ll kill me for being a BC and blocking the BD’s convert out of spite.

you would claim to avoid getting voted out because conversion only fails on a thief or neut. and nobody’s gonna vote a neut.

why would nobody vote a neut claim

why would you waste time voting a neut in this setup

Out of spite and the possibility of them just bullshitting.

merchant cant even win easily and BC isnt a threat to anyone besides bd

if thief gets copped by failed convert they’re just going to claim neut anyway so the neut claims still need to die

BD is literally powerful Town.

You wouldn’t want them to be in harmsway.

but thats very easy to disprove
if they claim merchant they have to prove it by outing whom they sold an item to the night before
if they claim BC they just out the BD members

Yeah well uh, I do care. Because my role Turtle. :turtle:

god dammit

I just realised that the BD I converted to ISN’T the BD I thought it was.

The convert me instead

it’s still powerful lol

Anyway. You guys kept talking about a D2 LyLo right?

Let me tell you this, was this because of the BD’s Passive? Because if so it doesn’t progress from mislynches.

Legit I read the BD role for mine.
It makes me from :turtle: to :rabbit2: