SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

Wind are you sane.
No Chief in the world is gonna claim Corrupt Chief as either alignment. Why would I claim Corrupt Chief as Good Chief at all?

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Especially if we manage to figure out who the drug dealer is. If we can yeet them D1, things will look good for us.

sigh, I don’t think I’m going to be able to convince anybody of how bad of a plan this is, since every argument against it is just shut down with ‘but what if EK’. People have tunnelvisioned so hard with this ‘plan’, ignoring everything else in hopes of some kind of easy win.

If you are village chief Intensify, I really wish you wouldn’t just concede to this terrible plan, because it makes it really hard to fight it when the chief himself is giving up.

the thing is that I recall Intensify saying Arctic is a good convert target so doesn’t that imply a TR if he’s GK?

I never said you’re going to claim Corrupt Chief lol. My point is that if there’s no one else who’s blatantly obviously scum, I’ll place my vote on you at EoD, but if I can’t tell whether you’re good or bad, and someone else is acting extremely scummy, I’d rather vote them out instead.

I’m saying I don’t want to vote a Village Chief out.

Have I missed anything important


Yeeting you is currently the safest option since it puts us at a guaranteed 10/6 starting N1.

where did you leave off lol

Like post 6

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uh… Marl is bleeding
think that’s the only new thing

Oh yeah I knew that

I did that lol

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you… bled Marl?


stop trying to take my credit

lmao 6 posts in as well


bleeding someone when you haven’t caught up on the thread and they’re in the middle of an argument with someone is hardcore gaming


anyway I guess you saw Marl’s mass pingus

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Min will probably sell Marl the potion at 3 coincs

the funnier thing would be if the merchant sells Marl the exploding box at 3 coins

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