SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Likely demon, as electrocutioner is secret. Also, it needs two charges, not one

True, but then I believe the burning flesh part might be hidden as well. Might need to look into the cards

I said electro because hunter might have visited electro same night, but then realized electro would have to be bleeding then

The mark is not exactly from hunter isn’t?

Is there a single class that works with marks, suggested or not?

Doesn’t work like that. It would mean that if the electro hit the hunter while he had a trap, he will die. Also, doubt hunter would use his wolf the very first night.

It’s still likely to be the demon. But still, the burning flesh is causing me to think that something else is afoot as well.

Also @Rogue, when you say all Brothehood classes are active, does that include Plex’s as well, because it would be helpful to link those classes as well as linking the normal classes to the thread

No. Cannot be

I mean, the closest thing I can think of is my Druid NK, but that marked people for death publicly, during the day…

So we’re missing killer type we have never seen before or mark and this burning flesh are related to that Upick class.

Wait, Druid you said? But how does that explain the burning flesh…?

We might have to wait until tomorrow for more information. As much as I hate sitting around doing almost nothing with a mysterious NK and 2 antagonist factions running around.

But there’s no way a UPick class could appear in the game!

But you have a point… so that’s not a possibility…


She made TROFAAPSTOCS an actual role, and it must have rolled!

A what?

Nah, I don’t host this game ;D Also Chut!

(Shush it)

You remember that Upick class?

Well she made it an actual class suggestion called Summoner, and Plex must have rolled it.

I’m going to laugh super hard at the end if a variation of that is what actually happened.
(and probably cry a bit too)


Well, at least we know what we’re dealing with now. I can see no other explanation for the mark.

post a link to the summoner please

Although if it actually is something that’s not on the Class Cards thread, that’s pretty annoying.
Is there a thread for the Summoner? I couldn’t find it.

Unless we’re all missing something still…

okay, what is
