SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Yeah thanks for the reminder, ironically to be said I was suppose to be PL’ed in the first place but do you remember what I have said at D1?

No. That’s angle shooting. Never assume people are scum because they have been quiet. Sometimes scum are hidden among those that have been talking alot


I’m assuming we are voting Noz because …

Why exactly are we voting Noz?


We’re voting Noz as a policy lynch rn.

Noz, who did you target last night then?


Want me to make this easier?
/vote Noz

I targeted Methor for guard

I think that might be hammerino boys.

/vote Noz
Oh hey! Lookie that!

Or not. Why are you all so afraid of voting when you can just pardon them off the stand?

Also, can I jsut say that the sooner that you all get rid of trials for FoL the better?

It would be too broken.

The King can just douple vote someone and they will immediately be executed,

That is the actual power of a doublevoter, with this the Royal Finger is second fiddle to decide fate.

You’d still have to be cautious with an unconfirmed doublevoter, but I don’t see how that’s broken.

We need a VC, but I think he was hammered a while ago.


In advance.

We need to keep lynching every day, I’m afraid, what with the Brotherhood easily being able to recover every day.

No, it actually isn’t.

I, myself, was secret double voter.


In a Upick game. It had tremedous power.

I ended up Lynching Snow White but hey —

(Word of advice don’t ever put Insane in any of your classes, that automatically makes your card Bastard.)

Lynching as soon as majority votes has worked in every other FM game.
Just because there’s a gaurenteed mutlivoter at all times dosen’t mean it dosen’t work.

The thing that distinquishes FoL from the rest (other than it’s conversion system) is it’s Trial system.

Having a game focused around a Cultafia, which the Mafiascum wiki says categorically ‘Do nout use’ is unique enough IMO.

Won’t count till the person is on trial. Only on trial it will be counted.

Also with the decide fate mater, you cannot double vote then decide fate at the same time

I’d like an official VC before I put in my vote (just to make it more organized for the hosts).
While I agree that we need to keep up with the scum, especially in a double-Cult Multiball, it’s worth remembering that the Brotherhood will have a much higher-than-average fail rate (due to 2-3 Unseen and Sheriff in addition to their normal unconvertables).

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