SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Noz = Frost, Ici, Insanity, Methnor, Me, Wolf-Kun, AfterTech, Braixen, Polik, Simon (10 votes)

@Rogue @ThePlex Majority has been slightly reached :stuck_out_tongue:

Noz on trial



NozBugz claims Knight have been guarding Methnor since Night 1.

And this knight claim may be common for NK and Assassin to mask their true role and yes, that thing happened before with previous games.


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-_-. Its D2 ya twat

You what?!

It is Day 2. Also I use twat for a cuss substitute

And your point is? Can’t you just read what I just wrote?

Why do I even bother any more.
Just execute me.



Sorry NozRugz (lol)




Whats a policy lynch?


Is Noz a bad player in the past, and you guys are lynching him for that… Or?