SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

What… does that mean?

Sorry, I’m still a confused Alchemist angry at being outed by a joke made by the mod.

I’m going to give more thoughts on this once this game wraps up (and they probably won’t change regardless of what Noz ends up flipping).

Please execute or coldsteel the Alchemist tonight guys. Alch is way too big of a liability in Multiball when they have 3 factions to choose to side with. BD has a 33% chance of Alch being their ally.

I’d prefer the Prince to execute him so he can’t kill me or anyone else tonight. He’s essentially a NK who can side with scum and heal them from the other scum. Why let him live? In a normal game I’d let him go, but Multiball is a different ball game.

I prefer to side as a townie that has to survive as alch. Please don’t kill me.

Who do you want me to Emerald Potion/Crimson Potion, if anyone, by the way?


If Prince doesn’t imprison you for whatever reason… I’d want you to heal myself or Menthor.

I’ll let you choose.

You want that? Get me the fuck off the stand

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Oh look, we’re in idiotville. HOW CAN I GET BETTER BEING LYNCHED DAY FUCKING 2


Listen, I can’t get a loss just because I was forced to claim by a mod error! Just give me a chance…

You know my wincount? 2. Does it look like I give a shit about a W? Well I do when I actually am trying, I’ve just given up now. People who just want the W makes me hate FoL. PKR is a good player and is the exception to this along with a few other people.

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@PolikShadowbliss Deciding Fate a pardon would be a pretty good play here, as Noz can confirm himself and kill off an Alchemist in one go.

If Ici is not dead tomorrow, Noz will be hanged.

Having a Knight in Multiball is almost necessary for a BD win. If we mislynch a Knight, BD is done for. We need as much killing power as we can get to keep up with all of these conversions.

Polik’s decision on Decide Fate will tell us a lot of information about himself, so I’m curious to see it.

Don’t bother, I’m done with FoL.

The problem with Decide Fate is that I have one use of it.

You sure you want me to use it on Noz and this early in the game?

Just end it Polik.

We still have Sheriff that make new Knight when NozBugz flips unfortunately as Knight but who knows this class exists.

@PolikShadowbliss You declared guilty already, so there’s no need to use Decide Fate early on.

Sheriff doesn’t have Posse Comitatus anymore.

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He exists.

The Unseen exist so he does.

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That certainly means The Constable too.

If this is Knight, we could lose majority Night 2. This isn’t a VFC, this is murder, just as indiscriminate as an Assassin choosing a random target at night.

If Noz flips Knight, I hope we re-examine policy lynches in the future.

Sheriff cannot make a Knight anymore.