SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Pfft, me scum?

Hell no.

On;y thing you could be if you’re pushing Fool up is the MasterMind. Fools are immune convert, so after you finding that out, you use them as a scape goat



Braixen and Sketch this game D3:

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Thats, nothing…

It means more than yours actually…

Also Sketch, I would rather that you get sorted out now rather than the Prince needing to go for you because of how scummy you are. True the fool may be important to get rid off, but you on the other hand, also important to get rid off

And thats why you are killing him mr. Assassin

We have enough time to Pardon, vote Sketch and have Prince imprison Braix. This is far from over

Well, this has been extremely insightful.

Buzzer Sound

Incorrect. You are very certainly terrible at trying to guess people’s classes willy nilly. I on the other hand try and make it go hand in hand so that way, even if I’m wrong, there is some logical reason why we should go for that person.

Case in point…

I’m exhuming the Assassin tonight to see who killed him (if Braixen is somehow a Fool).

I’d like the Sheriff’s Scout on me before night falls, please.

If Prince Jails me hes dead.


Ha, ha, ha(!)

Oh I’m sorry, are you trying to be serious there? I’m still not backing away saying that you’re Unseen/Brotherhood

Why would physician, be the one to push a hard wagon on the Fool? That;s what;s bothering me the most

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Why’s that?
Prince can imprison Fool with no problems

Im paranoid…

He’s still claiming neutral killer

Why would it matter what class I was to push anybody?

That’s like Jester claiming Lynchproof Nightpiercing Executeproof SK.
Yeah, no.