SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

How am I supposed to defend myself against baseless accusations?

You think I’m scum.
I say “okay I’m not.”
“We don’t believe you.”
I say “okay…”

You;re no longer easily provable

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You can’t really blame us if we doubt you

That’s true.

Last time I played physician, Exhume was public. That’s why I didn’t read my card.


As BD, you do not act like you are acting now.
Prove that you are acting like you were when you were BD.


How about you defend yourself instead of just Chainsaw Defensing the heck out of everyone?

I can’t prove anything.

But neither can you.

How many scum in the shadows are gleefully smiling at this spectacle right now? :roll_eyes:

Don’t blame your paranoia on my “scumminess”.

You’re neutral – you want somebody dead every day and every night. You’re just as bloodthirsty as a NK.

But as soon as I die, BD will consider killing you as our numbers will have dwindled so much. You won’t last.

Sketch, Mafia isn’t about absoloute proof. All you have to do is demonstrate to us why it is more likely that you are are town than scum.

You want a good reason?

the fact I’m on the fucking stand right now

Alright in that case please shut up as you are going to be lynched. RIGHT NOW.

There are 4 people out there who know I’m not on their team. That’s why I’m up here so quick.

Sketch, you can’t just go ‘MREH MEH ACCUZORS ER SCUUMMMMMMMMMMMZ’ and expect us not to lynch you.

You are flailing here. Hard. So I’m not going to answer you, as you are scum.

That team is Blue Dragons?

Good grief.

Listen, I will kill sketch if you want me to just as long as the prince doesn’t jail me ;p

Even BD flail when they know they’ll lose the game if they’re executed.

Let me Exhume the Assassin for fuck’s sake

Because BD cannot afford two mislynches in a row.

You are all decided to lynch a scumread over confirmed NK.

That’s the reality here.