SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Hi, im back! What did I miss?:no_mouth:

You missed doing
That’s what’s going on <3

Who was voted?

I know you replaced someone and this thread has a bajillionty-infinity posts, but at least try to read what happened recently.


It’s /execute


I hate losing because of moderator actions…

Oh well. Bye bye.


So here in short version:

Hunter died first, but no one knows who killed him.

NozBugz got executed on trial suspecting on fake claim being used by NK’s and Assassins, turns out real Knight.

Constable and Assassin at end of Night 2, linking the possibility of NK is Electrocutioner or Paranoid that explain both of their deaths in single strike.

So Braixen being mentioned on Simon’s Journal (Constable) is put on trial and he claimed to be Squire trained into Knight, in the end we pardoned him due behaving like Fool.

Then we are at possibility to put Sketch on trial being suspicious not behaving Pro-BD and we’re close to that possibility until, we don’t believe Alchemist’s claim anymore A.K.A Icibalus.

Instead with Alchemist, as I expected he came up with fake claim and is actually the Scorned who have NozBugz, Sketch and Braixen as his targets. In Multiball game like this, he’s not allowed to live.

I guess that’s the hammer then. Now we wait for a mod.

I killed the hunter ;3

I beg the differ, Squire-Hunter. You didn’t mean that.

That Scorned have neutral or even evil faction targets initially break the balance and therefor shouldn’t exists.

I would be impressed that Icibalus is the fool and simply played us like a fiddle.

I still think you’re incorrect about this.

Well yes, that depends how results to the executions now isn’t?

I mean about the Scorned not having evil targets.


(Yes my memes are clear)

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If this is really the fool, good effing play there.

sigh I wish I was the Fool here. And I was doing so well! I managed to get my first target lynched D2 and my second 2 targets the main wagons on D3!

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I call your bluff Icibalus.