SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

It will be a waste to kill the King this early.

is anyone awake now…





Let’s do this thing

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Tell me about it .-.

Been there done that


Let’s kick some butts!

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Literally right as you sent that and I got the notifacation, lightning struck xD

You’re welcome.

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From my experience, almost every time you are evil when PKR and I are presented in game…

Maybe you’re right this time, but at the same time you’re just trying to antagonising me and label me as bad guy.

Powerwagon Frostwolf tommorow.

The mods have spoken.

Yeah sure, I can make sure that won’t happen.


RNG at its finest.


is it to late to /confirm?

if not, /confirm




You have 24 hours to confirm as of this post.