SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Otherwise, you have no one to vote you as King

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Aftertech, you’re probably Unseen…but BH outnumber you greatly and you need to vote up Methnor to even have a remote chance of winning the game for your faction.

Sheriff can’t be xonverted in fol you fuckers

@Wolfy KQJbms15qXs/YdzFGB2425GQYYloYN67Cu5A+ki69EL9O2sYzfYhetX/29O7Yo7b3BoG+0OA3sKJ

Encrypted it, let’s just say the password is in this message.

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Whatcha drinkin’?

I don’t think we ever had a sherrif to begin with. Which if that’s the case, its a bit unfair

Rum and coke with whiskey chasers. Thanks for asking MR. assassin/BH guy

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No. We have to have a Sheriff, and it has to be _Aftertech. Makes sense as he’s inactive af.

Sheriff always spawns in Unseen games. This game is an Unseen game.

I thought the Marshall change was in effect here. Holy shit! We have 3 BD members! We can do this…

Great. I’m on phone which is WINDOWS. SO I CANT READ IT!

it’s encrypted…

If by 3 BD members you mean me wolfy and aftertech yes

I cant access it for starters


Wolfy why do you think he refused to exhumed and prove me wrong about Brai being an nK, it’s cause he’s not phys


You have got to have been converted this point

You people got me playing for while I’m out drinking
Fuck y’all I love you guys

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/Vote Methnor

Remember that sentiment when you wake up dead tomorrow because you left 2 killers loose

You already helped me confirm that Rope had to be something to do with bh as you saw him go to ici who I jailed

@ThePlex Now he is on trail ;3