SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Prince can’t imprison anymore since Majority was reached at 3:11 PM GMT time. So anything after it shouldn’t count

Jesus stop pkr. This is rude.

i thought you were better then this. I didn’t think you could go so low.

Low? Kehehe.
My dear, this is only a game.
I’m here to play and win.
AtE never will work on me. Don’t even try that

heh, but you already played into my trap.

Oh? Is that so?
I’m so scared of voting Paranoid


The thing is. Im not paranoid ;3

I get this!

As soon as you said trap, I figured it out

I really was squire. But instead of turning into a knight. I turned into a hunter ;3


(Body is clear)

Hey Braixen.
Want to explain something then?
How did AfterTech die?

I wolfed him, he was just so quiet that he didn’t say he was bleeding.

braixen you have been NK entire game.

unless you played the “I am hunter and will try to get lynched for lulz” strategy

Do you have any evidence that I am NK?

I’d liek to think that a BD would not try to get lynched.

In any case, you would retributive me, prince or assassin would kill the other as king guards himself, then king royal fingers to win

I am expendable

Heh, you are funny. The king voted first


And if he did, oh well

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