SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

And that’s exactly the problem with the 1 message system. Neither party wants to start first because they can’t give instruction after learning new info.

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Nevertheless. Despite that awful muck up in the end, I think that was a good game. Managed to get a class I always wanted to be

Wolfy, I have to ask: After you jailed me N2, when Day 3 started, why did you ask me here if I was jailed? You said in Prince comms that you’re keeping quiet that you jailed me because I’m Observer, which I understood as “don’t tell everyone you were jailed in case I die and my journal said I jailed the Observer”. Then you posted “Hey Meth, you were jailed last night, right?”
Were you trying to crumb to me that you were the Prince?

Aftertech posting 10 times the entire game and not leaving a journal really hurt too :sleepy:

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We really need a prod system in place. People are better than they used to be (ie, actually making night actions) but we need some sort of measurement of it. Unable to be in regularly is no excuse, as people can tag you to important posts.

Technically, if no one knew that I was Prince, Rogue might have ended up revealing me cuz I did an action and forgot to say /no execute to Sketch cuz he said I needed to respond to my night action.


Damn you make me feel old.


Ryan was the Prince that killed me in the end.

Like inactive player I eneded up replacing. I’m not counting that as a loss on record anyway, as I replaced in and was unable to act within my right. Any games after that, I’m counting, just that one, no.

I remember my first fol, had wolf as my traitorous merc, and I was screaming at people to vote.

Hey, I wasn’t Tracherous. Just there was no evidence to support Ryan was evil at that point

Lol. There was plenty.

I actually wanted the Brotherhood to win personally.

And they did

Good. This proves that they can go toe to toe with Unseen.

I don’t think this game is indicative of the Brotherhood’s power. With 2 NKs and another faction (which can kill), Brotherhood couldn’t really utilize their biggest strength - numbers. They never made it to having a Disciple. Yeah, BH won, but they never had time to reach their potential. Probably need to run more SFoLs with them as the antagonists, especially after the rework.

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BH really got lucky that all of the factions spent time killing each other lol

We’re pacifists, that’s why we got popular votes.

The reason our Prince lived so long is because BH is terribly weak against the Prince.

Cuz RNG doesn’t love me .-.

@Rogue Excel sheet?