SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Well, the Brotherhood not going to get a Brother until the third night.

And even then will probably save the Broken for late game.

So, yes.

Oi, no posterino before status update!

NuclearBurrito died last night.

They were the Hunter

They left no Journal.

We found a note next to their body–

Oh, there’s the body.

How did it get all the way here?

Oh right, You all heard a burning sound and smelt burnt flesh last night.

(I would actually like to know this Lore wise. I mean doesn’t the Hunter live in the woods? How does he even die?)

So I guess this means we have a Demon running around?

That or a Paranoid.

Or he just didn’t keep a journal, that’s possible too.

You all can STILL smell the burnt flesh.


(shoots message)

Everyone who hasn’t recieved bread will… wait, wrong SFoL

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The mods are going mad everyone.

It’s now the end of the world!


Slept peacefully

At least we know one thing.

There isn’t going to be a Poacher.

Slept peacefully.

So hunter is dead…

We can assumes that BH and Unseen have converted one person.

For converstions, it’s the BH we should worry about. Their leader has no cooldown. Mastermind does.

I suspect that at the end of the game, it will be more Unseen vs. Brotherhood with a few BDs inbetween than us vs them.

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Mods. I have a question. Does the Unseen have to get rid of the BH to win?

Or vice versa.

Guys, something really weird happened to me just there…

Have we accidentally joined a Bastard game?