SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Well, I was the second person that got told that I visited the Princess xD

@Rogue @ThePlex Is this game a bastard game or not? We need to answer this question before we can move on.

Well, it’s clear something fucky’s going on. Guess we have to wait for the remaining people to see if they also got any weird results.

Hang on a second… it only says in the OP that Brotherhood classess are active. It dosen’t say which ones…

Could this be Plex’s testing ground as to new BH roles?

I mean, maybe? It’d still be hard to explain the (at least) three seemingly unconnected bastard-y things that happened, even if that’s the case.

He means as in the ones in the BH faction suggestion thread I’d assume

It has to be random, but whoa.

First time I am seeing the visitor got told for will-o-wisp.

I think u r going to mark us and summon Teemo to destroy us.

H isn’t part of Teemo though…

This is not a bastard game.

Then why are there those weird night results?

As was said, All brotherhood classes were activated.
The grape thing was just my way of saying no action.

And what the heck does that letter mean?

Also, what’s the third thing?

The princess thing was RNG decided who would get told.

I said so, I read the class thread thank you.

So Polik haven’t done night action, is this what I am getting?

Seems so. Not surprising.

Slept peacefully I guess.

What the hell did I get to here? I’m already confused

Also, The old FoL king is in use. No Allies ability.