SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Simply there could be 2 kings. We don’t know which one they side with.
Think of it like it’s the other Multiball game. If the King was evil. Would they be Cult or Unseen? We don’t know.

So the King could be a Brother or he could be Unseen. I see.

You know lore never explained how the King became Unseen or Cult in the first place.

Or even why the Blue Dragon are considered the “good” guys.

And based on what we will see of the Brotherhood. Unless the Infiltrator was able to convince the King to join him.

Oh. I think I just answered my own question.

I didn’t understand that Kappa

Let see…

The Broken King?

If it is in the class cards thread.

you might want to ask plex about that
in SFoL 6, he said that he had created a class card for it, but it was not put forward

Ohhhh Broken King is Brotherhood? I’ll hit Plex up asking if it should be.

/join hope this one doesn’t die.

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As long as people sign up <3

Come on FoL players! Join this!
It looks pretty cool and I mean, BH is always a wildcard in itself so it should be really fun

I am looking forward to if people sign up.

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/join What could go wrong?

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(It could go wrong anytime)


I could be such as butt and make it Cult. I won’t though.

yeah can we agree to call it BoH instead of BH for clarity reasons?

It’s up to you guys for this game :wink:

H doesn’t look like D

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