SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Oh My God You Suck

Scumreading someone for scumreading you.

I’m keeping an eye on you, but consider the FoS lifted.

oh i see

Icibalus = Sherlock Homes.

I can’t tell what this post means, care to elaborate?

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not…

Ici just wants to get some action going to see if anything new comes out or if someone slips. That’s understandable and respectable. I, personally, have no idea where to proceed at this juncture.

Our Physical Representative Of Rogue’s Forum of Lies Extreme Multiball Day 2 Game’s Sherlock Holmes.

What I mean by that is you are acting like a detective. I feel as though you are the one that is going to find a evil. but then end up being a evil.

His proper name then would be Mortarity.

(Did I spell that right?)

So you suspect me as well?

My intention is to catch whoever put that mark on me, as it is probably a mark for death.

You noticed my Alchemist claim, no?

Your Achemist claim is just that.

A claim.

yep ;p

If princess was converted, then PKR is one of three things:

Infiltrator, associate, mastermind

however,a princess doesn’t always reveal who they are if they were not attacked. It does put suspicion on PKR and princess claims (though if they were converted they probably won’t claim princess anymore)

if the princess shows up dead tomorrow, then PKR is reaper.

Reaper dosen’t exist in FoL…

why not?

Too op…

Btw, Associate couldn’t convert if the abduct fail.

Because that make look like inactivity for one day

So should we vote up PkR?

or is it too early and we need further evidence

I think we need to wait for PkR to sign in, and then claim.

Reaper’s mechanics don’t work in FoL, and it’s generally OP.

PKR is lock town until furtehr evidence comes in.