SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Yeah, It was overwhelming with my first game, I just winged it.

Well I checked what druid did, the mods never said anything about someone being marked. So there can’t be a druid

Is there any idea how many neutrals there could be?


I got an A on my foot…

Which is one hrs ago, duh.

I think as long as that Physical Representative Of _____________________ didn’t get all the letter, I should be okay.

Slept peacefully.

What was the “secret” role from SFoL6?
or alternatively:
What does the Butcher turn into if elected king (if not already in class thread, what is the class card)?

Serial Killer King.

The actual name is far too long to spell.

i believe its psychopathic king
and we dont know thats what the butcher turns into

You seem mighty concerned about this Butcher.

Its my working theory, and if I’m right, it ties up all the weirdness happening
the burning flesh the private marking/branding, and the idea that the marks kill

Indeed. But that will imply that I am said King.

I assure you I am not.

I doubt there is a Druid in this game because they would wait until they have a good amount of people vined before trying to mark somebody. Why notify everybody of your presence just to try to kill the one person they vined last night? Druid is unlikely.

I feel like these odd moderator messages are irrelevant…at least for now. Are we in a bastard game? It’s not April 1st yet.

and even so, druid marking is public

And guess what! The letter was actually meaant to be an F all along, which puts us back to square one!

Listen, the NK is not Druid. I designed the class, and the markings are public, to indicate who should die or else the Druid can kill.

Wait, the H was a mod error?

Yes, it was meant to be an F

So what do these letters mean?