SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

I said princess and obs on him. Finding him as neutral, and support/social, is enough to clear him.

A convert immune loyalist is very strong is a game where most of our hits will come from conversion.

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Hmm… fine.

Alright, @Ami gets slain for treason against Adiart…

Their class was: The Knight.

They left behind a journal:

Night 3 Starts now. Don’t forget night actions :wink:

You found Simon dead in their room last night.

They were The Constable

You also found Archer1123 dead in their room last night.

They were The Assassin

They had no journal.

We are looking for backups for cbman…

Day 3 starts now!

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Oh my!
The Constable and Assassin died?
Whoever killed Assassin GJ.
I have an inkling that NK killed Assassin and annoyingly Assassin killed Constable leading to a chain

I slept peacefully

Slept peacefully, this is getting out of hand quickly.

turns out the Constable discovers PKR is not BH, good chance he’s BD and slim chance being Unseen.

Friendly reminder that the 2 main Brotherhood baddies are immune to Stake Out (well, for the first 2 days at least for the Associate).

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Thank you reminder, we will find the princess today if possible.

Also yes, it’s now extremely likely we have an NK, unless Ici cops to yolo-Emeralding Archer. I don’t think it’s likely that BrH converted a Brother N1 who then instantly went killing, or that the Prince executed him.

Oh nevermind, I reread the Brotherhood thread and realized I misunderstood a core concept there. So yeah that rules them out completely.

They are masters in manipulation of social deduction and can outvote Unseen in numbers, there’s good possibility they are four members of them now.

The Infiltrator have no cooldown and by the time they hit five members and from every member they lose, will able to replace just as quick.

I used to be Infiltrator in first game, now the very thing I fear.


So by this time, we can assume that BH have 3 or 4 members now…

And prolly Unseen have 2 member…

As Assassin dies…

Correct, the converted role from Unseen is now the Assassin.

Methnor have point that Infiltrator and Associate (temporarily) cannot be found by Constable as member of Brotherhood, the fact is that Princess has caught PKR visiting with Will-O-Wisp on, that PKR is visiting role, is one concrete proof we got right now. The Constable didn’t find much on PKR and did nothing at Night 2, which troubles me why he didn’t do action.

The Unseen still have the ability to make new mastermind until end of Night 3, eliminating the unseen before end of Night 3 will be good for us, eliminating the Unseen faction quickly as possible.

There is scenario however that Sheriff and Prince must not die.

I think Simon just typo’d his journal and he checked Braixen N2. Obviously he couldn’t have an answer for us as he died.
I don’t know why he didn’t Warrant anyone Day 2 but again, it wouldn’t have mattered much as he couldn’t give us an answer today.

Slept peacefully

However, there is something that is bothering me right now…

Methnor, you was jailed by the Prince right?

The reason why Sheriff and Prince shouldn’t die is that make job easier for Brotherhood to bribe everyone they find and simply outmatch Blue Dragons in numbers.

Oh right. We now have up to five evils right now.

Three Brotherhood (if that works like that?) and two more Unseen because Mastermind likely converted the first night