SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Already Explained my reasoning

All I can say is that I was hoping to talk more this SFoL. But apparently that is my downfall Talking.

Without Further Evidence to Prove me guilty, I ask for my Innocence.

Hmm. Something still doesn’t feel right.
I will withhold my vote for now until the others have had their say.

Considering 3 of my top 5 reads on Braixen are all bad.

Sorry, I forget.

What are our grounds for suspecting Braxien as an NK? We lynched Noz last time based on a policy lynch and ‘Knight is a sus claim’. Sorry about that Noz, by the way, but I was angry after being outed for no reason.

Just give me a reminder and I’ll vote on this.

Braixen is here because we’re working on a theory that he’s a Paranoid or Electrocutioner who killed Simon (and likely Archer), based on Simon’s N2 visit.

That being said, I’m not ready to pull the trigger either. Mislynching another Knight at this point could very well spell doom for the BD.
The other question is, assuming we pardon Braixen, what are we doing today?

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Hmm… that theory requires the idea that Simon would be an Assassin nightkill, so let’s ask the question:

Why would Simon be the Unseen nightkill?

It does if we’re assuming Braixen is an Electrocutioner. It would also require specific N1 and N2 visits from everyone involved, of which we only know one for sure (Simon visited Braixen).
If he’s a Paranoid, either Simon was indeed the Assassin night kill, or they both could’ve visited Braixen on alert.

Also Ici, if I may be so bold as to ask, what did you do during the night?

I healed Frost. Sorry, forgot to mention.

That’s dandy and such, I doubt that change Prince’s mind to imprison me for interrogation (and possible kill me), but I have mentioned before end of Day 1 that’s not going to happen, I assure you.

Don’t you guys realise that chances are this isn’t BD?
I’ve already explained that this is likely to be NK if not Assassin.
They’ve been acting like fool. Hard acting like fool and so I just can’t see this as BD in any circumstance. I think they’re trying to push the fool agenda so hard that we believe that that’s what they are.

Pkr, your voting is relying on chances and etc.

Please don’t edit messages :wink:

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Didn’t you say I was being pushy originally?
Yes, this relies on chances.
But we don’t have a lead.
I’d take a good chance over a stab in the dark any day

The chances I can see are: One, Archer killed Simon and the neutral killer attacked Archer however Braixen has been framed for murder meaning Braixen is not Paranoid as two separate murders not being connected to Braixen at all and is being viewed as not member of Brotherhood but has chance being Infiltrator or Associate as stated before.

Two, Braixen claimed Squire trained into Knight that does mean however he got to be trained just by end of Night 2 putting four conclusions for this way is: He is truely the second Knight by now, being converted at first night means The Page couldn’t become Enforcer however since the Assassin died he’s forced to become Killer type now or he actually decide to become Hunter just to lure enemies into his trap next night should he become pardoned. This also means if he’s Hunter, he can decide to kill someone who guiltied Braixen for revenge.

Three, Braixen is Paranoid and stay at his room to kill many visitors as possible and the result is Simon and Archer.

Four, Fool’s day!

I can say between good and bad lynch is at equal.

Simon was a strong BD read.

That only explains why they might kill him. Not killing nullreads or scumread townies is standard.

This dosen’t explain why they chose him, which only is conjecture if the NK is Electroucutioner.