We do. Bring us their head King!
Also, Sketch voted them up first ^^
Just thought I’d keep that in mind
I’m not worried in the slightest.
@PolikShadowbliss @Frostwolf103 if Sketch themselves isn’t afraid, then is there any need for us to be?
At worst, we lose a BD. At best and in all probability, this won’t be BD.
Very well.
If he turns out to be the Fool …
I have a strong feeling Unseen whiffed their conversion on Night 1.
Simon was killed last night. It could be possible that the MM failed to convert him N1 and told the Assassin in night chat to assassinate him.
That would explain how a convert immune got killed Night 2.
Or it was blind luck.
Who knows.
Blind luck 42%
MM hit Simon N1 58%
Either way, the Brotherhood are having a party tonight.
We’re likely hanging an Unseen/NK. I doubt the Unseen will be winning this game. Both scum teams are fighting over conversions right now.
Not to mention the Unseen just lost their Assassin.
If we’re lucky, this could be the Mastermind. And we’re eliminating all of the Unseen on Day 3.
Could be a thing.
I don’t think so. He was too callous,
Salty because Unseen already lost
Then it is just the Brotherhood we have to worry about.
I still believe they may be Unseen still
Actually, you know what…
Braixen. If you’re NK, we’ll let you down if you kill off BH targets for us.
You’re going to lose here anyway. Who knows – maybe you’ll get an outside shot at winning instead of being hanged today.
What do you think? BD could honestly use the killing power.
I tried that once.
You guys still lynched me.
This is Multiball though. Keeping an NK alive as a hired contractor could actually have some merit against two scum teams.
Hell, even if the NK ignored our night plan for them, they might still kill an Unseen or BH accidentally for us
So what are you, Braixen? Electro? Paranoid? I’m betting Paranoid right? Since Plex would want to test that one out soon.