SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

did you just confess to being NK?


I think you slipped there Sketch, completely. You actions have changed

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Pardon me, There are 4/5 Blue Dragon left if we want you want to stand a chance keep me alive.

I wasn’t attacked, ever.
I can promise that.
Unless any of you have any other proof?

Ici, if you are alchemist, protect me. I’m someone that could lead the town since Mole isn’t here.

I attacked you knight one.

Pardon me please.

There’s no reason NK would tell the truth.
They’re trying to lead to another ML.

NK, asking for a pardon.
Yeah, no.

Then I ask for you to claim

Now he is quiet


for now.

I want to discuss the night plan first.

This is a lie!!
I was not attacked!
I have no reason to claim.
Not when I’m being accused my a desperate Neutral

Oh hell no…

We’re not letting the paranoid get away, especially with Prince still alive.

Also, why pardon now, when you were the one most suspect to have pushed this wagon.

/FOS Sketch

Sure. Prince can execute me.

Pkr is super sus right now though.

Not really.
Why would I claim when being accused by a self confessed NK who’s kills aren’t actually silent and I never got attacked

Because, You visited the Princess. 3/4 Blue Dragon are Alive. Claim now

If you were not attacked then…


Visiting the Princess is nothing suspicious actually.
I think you’ll find many BD can visit too <3
Nice try though. No