SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Heh, so you say. There is likelihood one unseen left and two bh. I figured out one of them

why is there “likely” one unseen? Only one unseen is dead


hy are we currently hunting the BH/unseen?

We know braixen is either fool or NK. we need to kill them, preferably with imprison so we can still execute

2 Unseen died last night Rope.
But then again, that was just an overlook on your part.
Please read things more carefully.

I wonder if BH will get something to help them considering that the mods made that mistake earlier. I wonder why if I’ll gain anything either too. Interested to find out

Also, I don’t think the assassin can become mastermind as a third conversion was made

That’s not how it works
Facepaws hard

I’m still having a hard time believing that there’d be two NKs in a multiball. That seems like absolute lunacy. I think it’s more likely that Braixen is another type of scum.

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I think unseen bh is dangerous


Scorned target

Today, I’d like to vote Braixen.
However, I will vote with majority so I don’t lose and die.

All scum will probably vote you. Understandably too Wolf. All Neutrals too. In fact, almost anyone not fully confirmed xD

What about it? I already said that I believe that Lol is working under old scorned rules where they can have any target.


I’m pretty sure that’s the case too

FoL* not lol. Damn autocorrect.

I will count votes sometime between 1:15 and 2:00 PM AEST tomorrow OR Plex will do it an hour early.

FYI: There was no mistakes, cleared it up.

I understand now why this happened.
But FYI, I’m not allowed to say :frowning:
Please don’t just suspect me.
Read carefully

Anyway, can people vote already.
We don’t need any more of this day wasted!

/Elect myself

PKR: Infiltrator or Associate
RopestringFace: Infiltrator or Associate
Braixen: Paranoid
Wolfy: Prince
Methnor: Sheriff
_Aftertech: Assassin
Sketch: Physician

3 BD vs. 2 BH vs 1 NK vs. 1 Assassin

Close game.

I’m 95% sure Methnor is Sheriff. I am not going to believe any other CC’s on that.
I didn’t exhume after all. I healed Methnor, knowing Wolfy wouldn’t be attacked by threat of myself or King guards. Methnor can also clear me of not being converted if he listened to my night plan :slight_smile:

I can’t believe Assassin targeted Frost over me. It should’ve been quite clear that Frost was Brotherhood, but maybe Unseen were worried about BH members? Either way, glad that happened.

Wolfy just answered our question about the Assassin that died earlier – he didn’t kill him, which means an NK had to have killed him. Unseen couldn’t have killed themselves, and Brotherhood didn’t have enough members to perform a kill that night.