SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Oh yeah?
You’re going there?

I didn’t mean active like that, unvote me.



/vote Methnor

He did claim Observer to me. However, there was one word he did not say to me, and actually, I think it’s because that he happens to be scum

Therefore, it is safe to assume that he is not going to give away people from the “Brother Hood” faction anymore and hencce him not saying that word.

Therefore, I have reason to suspect he is now a brother

I would like to ask your reasoning.


He is the best perosn to vote for for now

Will respond in a few mins when I’m at a computer.

Read said posts above :stuck_out_tongue:

One word?
If that’s a reason to suspect someone, I suspect almost everything you type Mr Typo.

It isn;t the fact that he said that word.

It’s more the fact that if he said it now, he knows that he will make himself and his mates suspicious

Like I said, I am CW.

The mods must have made a mistake then, I can only say what the game told me. You are suspecting me, but not everyone has claimed

No, just… no…

You really need to read properly. And stop paniking as I didn;t say you

Rope? Methnor? You’re both here.
Also, I hate to say this but, Wolf.
If they’re scum and Unseen goes to vote you, we’re gonna lose you :frowning:
I already said, I’d vote with majority.
Get 3 votes on someone and I’ll place the 4th if I’m here

Nope. Not happening. You;re already scum for putting yourself forward, especially a late claiming mercenary, so use your finger now!

Okay seems I have to type this on my phone. Apologies for autocorrect and stuff.

Im Observer. I Window peeked PKR last night and he came up Neutral. That’s why I didn’t say it and that’s why I don’t like this vote on him.

Braixen norm and sketch are the two BH leaders and Assassin. Dunno who is who exactly.

I’m scum for claiming my class and being shocked at my target dying when I guarded?
Yeah, you totally seem reasonable right now?
I said I’d vote with majority.
I’m a Neutral for crying out loud!
I won’t change my words.
I said as the Cowardly King that I’d vote with majority and so I will

Hm. Methnor was recently converted. Dammit.

This is bad.


Of course he came up neutral. I doubt three neutrals in the game, especially a late merc claim


Ypu heard PKR. Vote the man up!

I think BH converting every single night is possible…but unlikely.

Since we’re in Multiball, there are more conversion immune targets than normal.

But it could be 2 BD vs. 1 Unseen vs. 3 BH vs. 1 Neutral

If the assassin is not lynched or jailed tonight he will kill wolfy and that is a fact.