SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

You can keep it on. Just sketch and brax though just in case tech decodes to appear and vote without knowing what’s happening

Braix, you just keep it on then…

Sketch and Ryan keep it off then

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Also wolfy I think we are at the point were you have to trust me.


Trust you to kill the BD

If wolfy executes me most-likely brotherhood would attack him.

How? I’ve already detailed how it’s unlikely if not impossible the BH have a brother.
If anything assassin kills him
Unless you people mobilize to get me off the stand and vote them

But of course you wouldn’t Brai you’re 66% to be o e of the BH leaders

Did methnor ever claim?

I still haven’t decided who between you sketch and rope are i filtrator associate or assassin


It looks like I’ll be home in like an hour or so (wasn’t debarching as much as I thought would happen tonight nahmean) so I’ll have some more input when I’m in front of a keyboard and not this phone garbage

Likely ti have been converted though, hence me trying to get then up now rather than later. I’m going to have to make my vote tomorrow when I’m at a computer

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Braixen, that looks like a substitution cipher to me…am I correct?

And since you were likely going to be asleep like the King election, I suggested you keep yours on now, where me, Ryan and Sketch can put our votes up tomorrow

Why are you dead set on my being conveeted? Let me remind you 4!!! Non convertible people died last night and you + sheriff + others are still alive. Why are you so convinced they hit me out of all these people? You are wrong. I wish you could see that.

No, password cipher. Encrypted in AES

Oh, and Wolfy has the password?

3 actually because king sorry

Here, Wolfy.
