SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

This is an interestly mechanic.

Normally we would allow this.

Except now the Unseen and the Cult could be sided with us.

Right. What we really should be concerned about are the Demwir. Neutral Killers do still exists I know, but once we dealt the minority, the hard part will be over.

But Neutral Killers could be Adiart aligned shrug

Also, because we have Cult.
Anyone wanna guess just how bad this could be for us? xD
I’m guessing that Demwir weird sounding group thingy could have NK on their side and Psychic with Cult alts and conversion ability too

I don’t think that Demwir would have a cult leader. They might be able to become cult, kill the leader and be promoted to leader, but I don’t think they’d start as it


I do not think that there will be conversation.

Unless the scum start with only two people.

Why would you think they’d start with more?
Unless you’re scum and you know it!
/Vote PSB

This is NOT a memevote

I don’t think scum will start with conversion, or if they do, they can’t change loyalty

you guys do know that there could be an adiart (AA) cl and/or mm, and a neutral and/or demwir (DW) cl and/or mm, right? same with prince, and nks, too (although maybe the limit on nks is still in place, but it could be to of the same nk, with different alignments)

/confirm, of course

… Since when could we vote day 1? :man_shrugging:

I do not know anything.

I saw that edit :o

Yes. I posted before I finished the post.


I think we did. I doubt conversion roles can change loyalties. It might be able to change role abilities and neighbourise, but that’s all

How bad do the Demwir have to be to make BD align with both Unseen and Cult? :cold_sweat:

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What kind of BD would join them?

Stop always trying to change my perspective on life, Mole

Sketch is Demwir aligned. You heard it hear first

As I was saying.

If the factions are already chosen, then there is no conversation.

If, however, the faction only starts with two then, there will be.


A little too quick to vote.