SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

To fully answer this post:
Until last night:
Adiart Maid
N1: Matchmake PKR and Simon, compatible
N2: Matchmake PKR and Moleland, vines
N3: Matchmake PKR and Insanity, not compatible
N4: Matchmake PKR and Rope, compatible.
Slept peacefully on all those nights, not considering my conversion.

Now I’m an Adiart Seeker.
As I said in the post above I’m hugely scumreading Wolfy right now due to converting me. I can’t find factions anymore, so we’re pretty much down to good ole’ fashioned Mafia scumhunting.

So according to Methnor, Rope and PKR are matched. Unless Jammy shares night chat with Demwir it’s actually not possible with two factional kills around, now Wolfy is compromising the survival for Adiart, so one logical conclusion is to put Jammy on trial and execute but there’s one problem.

If Rope turns out to be Demwir, then so is PKR now. One of recent added members.

So since Rope claimed cult role, the steps are simple:

Execute PKR today and let the king attack Rope.

/vote PKR Anyone who does not push this wagon immediately asks for handout for Demwir’s win.

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Slept peacefully as well.

/Vote Frost
I think we have today’s target
@Methnor Wolf was scared of losing and maybe Demwir aren’t convertible to Cult?
Therefore he was trying to confirm people in his own way and help us?

Frost, I’m confirmed from yesterday as Neutral or Aidart.
Unless you’re saying I got converted last night which wouldn’t have affected that result anyway, that is.
Therefore you have no proof of that.
Pushing me is THE most scummy thing you can do.
If people here are Aidart, vote Frost.

PKR I’m sorry but I really think you’re tunneling too hard on Wolfy being Adiart.
There is literally NO reason to convert me to Seeker except to remove my ability to find factions. None. If he’s scared of losing, that’s the wrong move, because I’m still Adiart but now just strictly worse than I was. Not only do my abilities suck and are essentially useless, but now I’m also a target for Jammy.
I do think Frostwolf’s post is absolute BS and at this point I’m 99% sure he’s a Fool trying to flail for a lynch. I could be wrong on that, though. But I’m more confident in Wolfy being Demwir at this point than Frost.
This just seems too convenient for me. Wolfy converted Rogue N2 and I revealed myself as Maid D3. I’m sure he would’ve done it sooner if he could, but his Brainwash was probably on cooldown until last night.
There’s absolutely no town motivation for this move. I even said it in a post during D4 that I better not wake up as a Seeker - and guess what, I did. Now we have no faction finding abilities. On top of that, Sketch even told Wolfy that it’s a better idea to convert him to Apostle since he has no more Noble protection uses. While I agree that maybe Demwir aren’t convertible and it’s possible Sketch is Demwir, Wolfy didn’t even try that, he immediately went for me.
I can’t in good conscience let this keep going.
I’m going to park my vote on Wolfy for now unless you can make a seriously compelling argument, PKR. That last post wasn’t one.
/vote Wolfy

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@JammySplodge. did you go for me last night?

Becasue I think I addedd killing Cult to my chat the day before last, and when admitted I was Cult Leader to them, I was attacked.

The only person in my alignment that it could poissibly is redacted until I get confimration that I was attacked or not by Jammy

No. It’s because Jammy is likely to be Scum, and by preventing converting, it gives Adiart and extra day

Then why not convert Sketch, or at least attempt to? Why the one class that can actually detect who the Demwir are?

Because you still can use your abilities with Cult points and also have the ability of cult. As well as that, if you use on of your seeker abilities, I can replenish it. That actually benefits Adiart

I need to talk to Eevee, then.
I still don’t trust you.

You should, because as soon as I revealed I was Cult Leader yesterday to my last member, I was attacked by them most likely.

Why would I have been attacked if they were Adiart alinged and the others mentioned they were Adiart as well as me!

I received a plain Seeker role card with no mention of Cult Points or anything like Rogue’s one up there where it says “As a converted X you can do Y”.

About the attack, do you mean last night (N4) or the night before last (N3)? How are you alive? Did PKR heal you?

Also Meth, by the thing I admitted to my team last night, I was attacked for that.

Which means!

A. We had a member of Adiart whi was scum
B. A neutral Scum
C. A Cult Scum
D. An Unsees scum

What do you think

I think it’s kind of fucked that PKR is tunneling you so hard instead of protecting a faction finding role (especially when Sketch said he’s out of protections), but that’s his prerogative. Maybe he WIFOMed believing that the Demwir wouldn’t attack me if they thought I’d be healed.
So again, this happened last night yes? I just want to make sure in my head, because I remember you saying something about being attacked D4? I might have to reread the thread since I might be mixing shit up with other games.

I was attacked again!

Pay attention

If I was scum, why would I have been attacked twice in a row?

Thin logically. Right now, I’m a threat to Demwir

I lead the idea of an Insanity lynch after trying to convert him, and I was right about a Demwir Prince.

Never in your last few posts did you say you were attacked and healed again. I was just trying to check if that was the case, which I figured it was, but I didn’t know if you just didn’t phrase it properly or I didn’t read it properly.
I want to hear from Jammy first, because Rogue has that Jammy-esque death note too.

I’m not going to go into the “credit for Insanity’s lynch” thing again with you, but I’ll just mention that his fate was sealed as soon as I found him incompatible, Prince or not.