SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

oh, and moleland, do you convene at night with other unseen/AA unseen at night? if you do you could find out all of them and you guys could confirm each other

and by the way, lets make the distinction now, between alignment and faction
alignment: AA, neutral or DW
faction: BD, Cult, Unseen, or neutral

i assume a lot of/all of us probably realized this already, but this is just to avoid unnecessary confusion and get us all on the same page,

I do not know of any other unseen, but that could be because of my role.

im asking if you convene at night.

I am Cult and as far as I can tell, I do not have access to any special chat.

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Technically yes, but not with Unseen

Called it. Jammy is gonna get ya

I already told you, I’m only one third Demwir. My aunt’s brother’s cousin was full blooded Demwir. I took a DNA test last month for $50 and it gave me a fun rundown of my ancestry.

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ah, moonspirit/converted priest/the unseen that talks to the dead/dead unseen?

Jammy said he would prioritize scum-aligned Cult/

Nope. I might as well hard claim, I’m not especially valuable

I’m an aristocrat, and I meet with the noble at night

besides we already on Unseen claim.

So …

The noble? Is there only one or are there more? :thinking:

Do you just talk to yourself in a mirror at night?

There’s only one noble and I

I assume I would also meet with any neutral or cult nobles, but there aren’t any I reckon

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Or neutrals look like normal nobles

Assuming Rope, Dama or Rogue don’t claim it today, I’m assuming any other Unseen are scum aligned. So, any sheriff we have should out them B)

So far we have two Unseens, one Cult (me). and I assume the rest are Blue Dragon?

Who else is unseen?

You’re the Aristocrat and I think someone else claimed Unseen.

I don’t think so?