SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

I’m quite content with a Jammy wagon at this point.

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Wanna bet?

Now I believe I want to conclude someone lied with the role, guess who?

/Vote Rope
Of course babe.
I agree, along with Frost and Jammy that is

I want to hear from Jammy first but it’s possible Jammy attacked Wolfy and Demwir killed Rogue.



we can worry about her tomorrow!

What about Polik?

Polik dies when Rogue dies.

We even agreed a second ago the DeathNote on rogue is Jammys. You said so yourself!

Oh really, at least then I will just throw the theory away.

I’m just listing possibilities.

Only if Rope wasn’t so inactive at times, he would vote Wolfy by now.

Can you believe it? Inactive members?

I get it. But I have confirmed scum now.

Unless you want two afiarts to doe tonight rather than one, vote Rope!

It doesn’t matter Wolfy, if Methnor wants to vote Rope now that’s gamethrowing.


Its rope and frost!

Actually no you didn’t.

Otherwise it would be so easy.

I want to hear from Jammy first. She also said her attacks have a cooldown, anyway, so 2 Adiart aren’t dying tonight either way.

Well Frost.
I’m confirmed because of Ici earlier
I PKR, the Alchemist attacked Ici, they were immune.
We voted them and it proved myself.

Yesterday Jammy admitted to attacking Wolf.
Yet he lived, proving I healed him.
Also, I’m proven as Not Demwir.

Therefore I’m a class which can heal and kill. Being Aidart or Neutral Faction. Therefore LISTEN TO ME.

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No it fucking isn’t!

This os scum. 100% meth!

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Well, there’s plot twist.