SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Frost face it. You slipped time and time again

Well, little too late now isn’t?

They stay with their factions

Aidart have a chance anyway.
If you’re Aidart Frost, prove yourself.
Vote Rope.
Go on, you know you want to be Aidart read

The thing you made a mistake on.

Trying to kill me when the likelihood of me being healed was high

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Wolfy have to be stupid to make Methnor into Seeker.

Frost, we have cult points. He can rebuy matchmake and whatever else he wants!

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Methnor should get Cult points.
So it’s not stupid at all.
Also, why’re you not voting Rope?
Rope is lock scum.
Or is it because you’re scum too and you’re admitting it?

Wolfy, question.
You said you admitted to Rope you’re the CL in chat last night and you think that’s why he supposedly attacked you?
But you hardclaimed it in this thread nearly a week ago. Why is you telling it to him in night chat relevant?
(Still not a deathtunnel I’m just trying to understand your perspective)

Also Eevee hasn’t responded to me yet either so I’m still waiting.

That still leaves Jammy who may be Paladin King or Assassin King, who MUST kill Cult members.

Obviously, he never read the thread properly. He did ask the main thongs like could you tell me what happened or condense it for me.

Did you not see that. That’s why he asked again. As confirmation

Not even you could be serious here.
Do you think we only have 1 Demwir?
Yeah, no you don’t think that.
Your refusal is speaking more than you are.

Vote Rope now or Meth, you surely have worked this out

I can do that but did you saw that Methnor have you and Rope as match?


Prove to us you’re. Adiart. And vot rope when you have a chance

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Despite the grammatical errors, I agree with Wolfy.
Vote Rope to prove yourself

Also frost, you said jammy would be happy with me dead.

Surely Rope is an option to as they’re cult :thinking:

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Then let her kill him at night unless PKR is hero and save him.

Yeah, Jammy shouldn’t refuse this.
As we have Demwir Cult in the form of Rope

No. Just no.
We’re voting one of you/Rope today.
Take your pick

Since she’s Neutral and little of Adiart left, she will think twice before voting up Demwir Cult.