SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

After that, ill happily let jammy kill me as long meth can get info for one last night!

She won’t vote Aidart either or else Demwir will get majority

Why, you think Demwir will backstab her? Please.

Why you think we’ll backstab her?!??!

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As they have a Cult member too in the form of Rope.
Either you’re scum this game or you’re delusional.
I hope for your sake it’s the first one

She doesn’t care if Demwir gets majority. She probably wants the Cult Leader dead because he’s making her job harder and on top of that he has a pocket healer that she can’t kill.

I am Delusional.

That’s why I’m willing to ley het kill me if you can get info for last night to help us meth

Meth, you’re Cult with Matchmake ability now.
I’d rather heal you so we have the info and defeat Demwir tomorrow

You were willing to let her kill you N3 and PKR healed you that night when she tried lol
I bet she doesn’t trust you at all.

Meth, just trust me and Ryan.

Ryan. Will you promise to let me go this night sp we can get info?

@PokemonKidRyan Yeah that’s good idea.

I can reward you after.

/vote Rope

Yes babe. I promise to let you go.
Whatever gives Aidart the win

Until I get told otherwise I’m a Seeker with garbage abilities.

Well Methnor, amuse Jammy please.

@Methnor vote Rope.
We hit Majority then, saving time

I was personally told by eever when rogue was converted, he knew out the cult points, and that’s how he was able to revive Polik

Methnor and Norm both claimed seeker?

@Wolfy do you not have a cooldown?

I was converted last night.

I do. I never converted Rope

He was already member of Cult