SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Night 5 end

@Wolfy has died!

They were an:



Wolfy’s last will:

Wolfy the Adiart Cult Leader

N1. Tried to convert Insanity (immune so could be Prince, NK or Unseen)
N2. Converted Rogue, the Priest
N3. Will of Mithrased Rope (just to see if he is Cult and can enter our chat)

We couldnt find killer’s death note.

Day 6 start!

It will last 96h or until a mayority is reached.

Alive players:
@JammySplodge @Sketch @Methnor @PokemonKidRyan @Frostwolf103

Okay so
Kill methnor
PKR kills a goodie
Kill PKR

/vote Methnor

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Jammy I know you want me dead because I’m a Cultist but that’s not a good enough reason.
PKR is obvious scum now and I suspect the last one is you.
I matchmade Wolfy and Sketch last night and they were compatible. Wolfy also gave me another use of Expose which I’m going to use on you to make sure.

@JammySplodge I was roleblocked.
I would like to say this now.
Frost cannot be Scorned.
Or at least his claim earlier holds no water.

He couldn’t have swapped Simon N2.
What do you think killed Simon?
As they wouldn’t have let there be 4 Demwir to begin with. Meth was obviously converted.
I’m confirmed Aidart and I will give you your win if you give me mine

I wasn’t converted, you were. Demwir knew I was checking against you but I guess you weren’t expecting me to check you against a low activity player (Rope) and get him lynched.
I’m waiting for my Expose results. If Jammy is Demwir I’m voting her, else I’m voting PKR.

So Jammy.
This is simple.
If you want your win, I will give it to you.

Plan 1:
Vote Frost
Kill Meth tonight

Plan 2;
Vote Methnor
Let Sketch RB Frost
Vote Frost, win

Plan 3:
Vote Methnor
Sketch RBs Frost
You kill me (Although I can’t be Cult)
Sketch RBS Frost
You kill Frost

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If you’re confirmed Adiart then so am I. I was the one who confirmed you in the first place! You can’t use that argument.
Also, roleblocked suddenly? From what?

That’s a lie. You never confirmed me

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Then what did confirm you, sir? I matchmade you against a bunch of confirmed (via death) Adiart people. Until, y’know, the same thing happened with a Demwir.

@Sketch a kill happened when you RBd me.
So it confirms I’m not Demwir.
It’s Methnor and Frost.
Vote Methnor and block Frost tonight.
Aidart will win with our Neutral Pala King.

/Vote Methnor

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Jammy if you’re actually Neutral you can vote PKR with me and Sketch and then kill me tonight anyway. That’s what you’re going to do if I live through today no matter what, right?

Sketch can’t roleblock, he’s a Noble. We have nothing in this game that can roleblock.

In fact @JammySplodge you might as well Royal Finger. Save us some time.
I will give you your win if you cooperate.
Yes, I didn’t want Wolfy killed but that’s only because I wanted Meth dead first.
The Demwir Cultist

/vote PKR for now pending my Expose results.

Says the confirmed Cultist Scum.

Jammy is a Neutral Faction Paladin.
There’s no chance you’re going to get away with this, with a basic and simple lie.
The fact you’re even trying to convince Jammy proves you’re desperate as you’re scum

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So you’re saying I bussed two of my teammates for some towncred? That’s odd. So let’s break it down:

  • I bussed a power role and an investigative role, as another investigative role, for some shaky towncred with a role I can’t do much with anyway
  • You were suddenly roleblocked even though this game has been solved in terms of classes and none can do that unless Frostwolf is actually a Fool


  • You were converted because I’ve made it known for days now that you’re the person I check my shit against as Maid

I’m trying to convince Jammy because she’s killing me tonight anyway as is her prerogative to kill all Cultists, but I’d rather take you down first.
Do you think if I was actually Demwir that I’d bus Rope like that? If that was the case I could’ve EASILY gotten an Adiart member lynched yesterday but instead my results led to another Demwir death.
You’re the last Demwir member and you’re flailing.

Unless Jammy is also Demwir in which case it’d make sense why she wouldn’t vote you.

The word Paladin makes it clear why Jammy wouldn’t vote me