SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Also, I’ll just wait until my investigation results.
That should work well, shouldn’t it?
You wouldn’t have much of an other choice but to accept it when I get what I’ve asked for

What investigation results?

I asked a couple of questions as part of my personal investigation of the possibilities this game.
So I’ll wait for the results (Answers) to my investigations (Questions)

Oh, okay. I thought you meant an investigative ability.

Which is weird because you’re Alchemist as you said.

Confirmed Alchemist. May I add.
I’ll also say this.
You never bussed 2 team mates.
You bussed one.

The Prince was killed and you was converted the following night.

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You’re confirmed Alchemist, I agree.
You’re not confirmed Adiart anymore. Quite the opposite.

And if that was the case, again, why would I bus Rope instead of easily getting an Adiart member killed?

As Rope slipped harder than anyone else did.
You tried sticking up for him a bit.
If you’d done it any harder, you’d have been caught

In this scenario where I’m converted the night of the day Insanity got lynched, Demwir starts the next day with 3 people. Why would I immediately drop them back to 2, when everyone knows I found scum and could say “Oh PKR and Sketch/Wolfy were incompatible” and you know they’d get lynched, putting Demwir in a super favorable position with 3 people and a night kill?
Nah. Not possible. Between that dreamland scenario and you suddenly being occupied I can’t believe you.

Again this is all assuming they actually started with 3 people which is what I’m basing this off of. Adjust by however many for however many people they actually started with.

You’d have been hard scumread.
Wolf would’ve exposed you as a liar as I was confirmed.
You wouldn’t have gotten away with it.
You played safe for simple towncred.
Either that or you was converted later on.
But the fact still remains.
You’re Cult and you’re picking on the wrong choice so you won’t get away with it

finger Methnor

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I am Cult. I’m not doubting that.
But you’re Demwir. And Jammy you’re just handing them the win now.
I still haven’t gotten results back so I guess you’re evil too.

Sketch should pardon me. I just confirmed him as Adiart. I can’t speak for Frostwolf he can do whatever he wants.

I don’t care if Demwir or Adiart win, I never did

I will cleanse this realm of your evil, vile heatheb


I told you you could’ve killed me tonight and gotten your win

Oh, you’ve just hard admitted you’re Demwir too.
Nice slip.

How? If Jammy kills me tonight she gets her win, I’m the last cult.

Cult =!= Demwir, you know that by now right? Go take a look at Wolfy’s card.

If I was killed today, as you pointed out, Jammy would get her win. As the game would be over tonight.

However, this is again quite simple to explain.
If I was killed we go to:
Demwir (Insert Frost’s class)
Demwir (Converted Cult version of Maid)
Neutral Paladin
Aidart Noble
One of you would just kill Sketch and win.

So, you’ve just slipped that the game would end and Jammy would get her win.
Only way you’d know that is if you were scum.
@Sketch if you can RB. RB Frost