SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

I can’t kill you tonight I just used a day ablility

Sketch can’t RB, he’s a Noble FFS!
And yes I figured the game would end tomorrow, although I just realized and I figured that wrong, if you’re the last scum the game ends instantly right now. So I guess that’s another incentive for Jammy to want me dead.

Who’s fault is that? :stuck_out_tongue: No one told you to.

That too is true Jammy
Jammy, there’s no point in checking tonight.
So I’ll offer this.
I’d like to request a guard tonight and in response, we’ll vote Frost. He’s still possibly Cult.
I’ll protect Sketch. You will protect me.
This game simply will end with an Aidart and Neutral Pala win.

Sorry, that’s wrong. PKR, the person who came up compatible with scum, wants you to. And now apparently Frostwolf is cult too?

You win in death if I remember you correctly @JammySplodge therefore you get your win. Aidart get ours and all is happy

We’ll see when you flip Demwir.
Then we’ll see just how compatible as scum I am.
As it’s blow your words out of the water.
It’d also prove that my theory hold that which yours doesn’t. A strong base formed on logic and truth

No, your argument is based on an extremely convoluted string of events that had to happen precisely as you said them, with all the wild variables in this game. The only reason Jammy’s voting with you is because I’m Cult.

Save that for the dead chat Methnor.
I’m excited for this trial.
We’ll see your scum mate defend you perhaps

Meanwhile you’re trying to cast shade at me, the confirmed Maid who got 2 scum lynched.

I hope Sketch believes me at least. That’s not enough, but maybe Frostwolf wants Adiart to win after all and also lets me down.

Of course you hope sketch trusts you.
As then, you’ll be pardoned and Demwir win.
I’ve already said, I was roleblocked.
I’m just trying to work out what was allowed to roleblock out of the 4 remaining people.

Should’ve just said that you didn’t heal Wolfy tonight, would’ve saved you much more trouble than making up a claim about being occupied.

Meth. How dumb do you think I am.
I tried to heal Wolfy.
I’d done it every other night except the one in which I attacked Ici.
So, yeah… You’re wrong. Blatantly wrong.

Jammy also asked you to heal me last night and you didn’t.
You just keep lying about that and you expect us to believe you aren’t lying this time?

Okay methypants time for death

Why would I heal someone who I saw scumslip?

How do you know he didn’t heal you?

I tried to heal Wolfy.
But I was roleblocked.
Meth’s just slipping hard and waiting for their scumbuddy Frost to save them.

Oh so my results yesterday were a “scum slip”? Y’know, where I got a scum lynched and linked you to him?

Because he just said he tried to heal Wolfy and was “occupied” suddenly from out of nowhere.

PKR is inventing all these scum slips I supposedly did to cover for the fact that he got matchmade with scum from a confirmed Maid.
Jammy I know you’re trying to cult hunt so I can’t fault your vote, but this is obviously bull. PKR’s been lying this entire game and got caught in another one.

You’re lucky Meth.
I’m not allowed for my questions to be answered.
You know why?
I’m Aidart and therefore I’m not allowed to ask anything to “Help me fakeclaim”

Also, we’ll see if I’m lying this night.
I already said your flip is going to speak enough.
I don’t need to talk to you and let you try to control this chat.