Converting pkr and you guys win effectively. Jammy doesn’t care about wolf, Meth or ropes team, just wanted them dead.
You wouldn’t have had to RB too badly that night
Depends, are you about to heal Wolfy again?
C’mon, you got brother love on
I honestly just keep checking my DMs to make sure I wasn’t converted as I was shocked.
I expected, fully expected to be converted to Demwir
Only if I can convert multiple times.
If I was converted, I would’ve loved on you
But, instead I’ll stay as my Aidart self for now and just crimson wolfy forever
The demwir scorned was too far buffed for 14 players.
I thought one shot means one charge.
lol Yeah, I was wrong about that. I thought Frost was fakeclaiming Scorned as Druid to prevent his lynching.
Of course that time I had no idea if Frost had swapped or not.
It was just a weird reaction play by PKR. Frost should not have folded so fast to PKR and claimed Scorned.
Yeah… It was a reaction play…
I’m so glad I tricked Frost so well and it worked out like I’d planned.
I think that play helped us win…
It was close call when PKR just checked his DM before I got executed xD
My only mistake was lynching Dama, just bad luck demwir hit an immune. Apparently x Dama was tracking the demwir killer, too
That’s why Insanity refuse to take action that day or simply inactive.
I did it to test your nerves.
You played well at that point.
But your tone changed just a tinge afterwards.
He gave you so much info for free
Even the serpent can get easily manipulated, friend
So, Frostwolf The Terrible.
Sound good?
But the platinum tongued Swan / Wolf Cub can’t get easily corrupted obviously :3
Nah. Bunny ears.
Should have healed me night 3 or maybe not, as sketch was such a scumfuck, that it was lucky rogue didn’t keep a will.