SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Ah, okay then. inb4 Adiart Alligned Demon

Not far off

I’ve noticed that Mole is apparently an Adiart alligned aristocrat…

Can we really trust that masonry claim? It seems far-fetched to me…

No. I trust it fully.
Unless you’re saying Noble and Aristocrat are the starting Demwir scum.
In which I find that extremely hard to believe

It’s really not that hard to believe because we don’t know if Dewimir can convert people to Dewimir or if Dewimir alligned converters are just weird neighbourisers role changes.

At this present moment of time.
I refuse to vote Mole. Simple as

It is possible to have nobles from Demwir and Adiart apart.

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Neither do I wish to vote him right now, but remember SFM28?
I have lost all trust in Mason claims after that, and you were one of the claimants.


Hm… Is this game majority-minority?

It almost certainly is because if it wasn’t Dewimir would have won already, which really isn’t good.

Blame Eevee! They told me to claim that!
I was gonna claim something else entirely.

Excuse me you were still scum it dosen’t change anything.

And secondly it’s our fault for letting them be confirmed town as scum…


Anyway! Mole isn’t scum, you need to trust me.
I know him in games.
He hasn’t been scum AI

Actually… how could the other Aristocrat/Noble know that Mole isn’t Dewimir?

Sorry, I’m not being very smart rn.

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I would assume that they wouldn’t.

I think that if there are few Cultists and a few Unseen members, then they wold be merged together and they would not be told who is good and who is bad, and it is up to them to decide to kill the others and hope that Adiart wins.

I think played a game like this before. Not sure though…

It’s literally just a neighour chat, I believe, where the CL/MM are converters.

So in that case, the person who sent that message has to be dewimir.

That’s what I think. I may or may want to deathtunnell them when they claim.

that sounds plausible.

I have never scumread you so hard Ici.
You seem pretty panicky and illogical compared to normal.
Mind explaining yourself?

This isn’t like BD you at all…
/Vote Icibalus

Sorry, I didn’t explain it properly.

My theory on how the Unseen/Cult factions is as thus:
They are effectively neighbor chats where the abilities are known with converters that change abilities in addition. We don’t know how they work exactly, but Jammy’s goal points me towards this.

Now, how did the person who sent the message know that Mole was Adiart? Simple. They are Dewmir and Mole isn’t in their chat. I cannot see any other reason.

They sent the message in an attempt to establish him and Mole as Masons…

Or maybe I’m just being stupid.

Then that means that it could be Simon, because he was claiming to be sided with Mole…