SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

It’s actually kinda fun though

Oh yes it is, I know.

I’m just saying anyone from Mafiascum who took one look at this would probably have an anyeurism and then commit suicide.


They probably would do the same on Mafia Universe

Anyways, gonna head off for a bit. Just finished photography work and need a break and wash, so I come back to this later

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@eevee @orangeandblack5 Can you or can you not explain to us how the Unseen and Cult work in this, and if you can, how?

As I get it, and unseen and cult can have be loyal, neutral, or traitors to adiart

Did you RB last night?
You might’ve hit Demwir’s killer!

Well the one who tried to kill that night

Yes, I blocked dama

Okay so suspects:
Ici, Dama


/Vote Dama


Day Action Notification

The bird with a message tied to it’s leg flew into the castle and landed on Moleland’s hand.
Moleland took the letter, oppened it and went pale with terror.

Should Moleland not be dead by the following day, the Nature’s Retribution will be brought upon the enemies of nature!

Your Faithful

Note: Flavor is just a flavor and is not faction indicative in any way.


Well then, seems likr this is the first time we have seen a druid in action

Never mind, this makes more sense now…

so what do we think

neutral druid?


Ici feels either Prince or scum right now.

We aren’t hanging Moleland just to save 1 person tonight. Thank you for announcing your presence for no reason, Druid…:joy:

Dama isn’t likely to be the Druid since he was blocked last night and wouldn’t be able to kill if Mole wasn’t hanged today.

But there were no kills and trying to find leads in Blender sounds…tough outside of normal scumhunting.

I guess
/vote Damafaud

We were told not to rely on the flavour, so don’t think that abut Druid, since they are unable to send messages normally

they didn’t sent that message it’s flavour text it means “the druid wants moleland dead guys”

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Well, this Druid definitely marked Moleland. Whatever their faction is, they are interested in killing indiscriminately.

Killing randomly so early in the game is not an Adiart motivation.